Saturday, October 13, 2007

Whate is a Google

Google is a free service from Google where group of people. Internet users can find discussion groups related to their interface. Google Group also includes an archive of Usenet newsgroup. In February 2001,Google acquired Deja News, which provided a search engine to access to an archive of Usenet newsgroup articles. Google provides two distinct kinds of groups: traditional Usenet group and non-Usenet groups that are more similar to mailing lists. The Google Groups user interface.
Google Group allows users to easily create their own groups. During the creation process, the is prompted for a group name,e-mail address, description and access setting and then adds or invites members to the new group.
Users may create public profile which display their ,nickname,location,title,industry,website as well as the most recent posts they made.
Google Group has a directory of most Google groups and Usenet groups, Some group owners have set their groups to not appear in the directory. The directory organizes groups by topic, region, language activity level and number of member.

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